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More About Biocentrism

Image of a person walking through the light Does Death Exist?

New theory says “no”.

Photo of Dr. Robert Lanza speaking to an audience Lanza on Biocentrism

Robert Lanza’s talk on biocentrism at the Science & Nonduality Conference.

Image of light rays Free Abridgement of Biocentrism

How life creates the universe. Authors say cosmology misses the big picture unless it includes biology.

From Beyond Biocentrism

image of Space Reality 101

Selection From “Beyond Biocentrism: Rethinking Time, Space, Consciousness, and the Illusion of Death”.

Red glassy button graphic Will Machines Ever Achieve Consciousness?

Biocentrism holds the key to artificial intelligence.

Picture of a person walking in tunnel with bright light at end Does The Soul Exist?

New scientific theory says we’re immortal and exist outside of time.

Photo of a troop of monkeys Could a Million Monkeys Type the Secret of Life?

Life’s special place in the great scheme of things.

Old black and white summer-time photo of 3 children holding hands in front of white picked fence There is No Death, Only a Series of Eternal ‘Nows’

Here we tell you what happens after you’re dead.