The first thing I must say about this book it that there are not enough stars to describe what a good read this book truly is… I studied physics and can say for myself that I have a mind of a scientist that is (over) loaded with logic. But I am also a yoga teacher and since my father's death nearly 10 years ago, I have been actively looking for answers about death, immortality and nature of space and time. I read so many books about the topic, I lost count. That was until I came across this book. Authors finally put it all together for me that both my scientific, logical mind and my spiritual mind could put it all together in a manner that it finally all made sense… This book opened my eyes to possibilities that no one has ever presented in such a concise and beautiful way before… it is priceless and I am keeping it as a reference in my library. It has underlining all over the place and I just cannot stop talking about it to everyone I know.
… there are not enough stars to describe what a good read this book truly is… it is priceless and I am keeping it as a reference in my library. It has underlining all over the place and I just cannot stop talking about it to everyone I know.”
Beyond Biocentrism is another masterpiece by Robert Lanza… This is a great book that can be appreciated regardless of "spiritual" or "religious" backgrounds (or lack thereof) because it doesn't try to push any of those concepts (nor does it render them bull$h!t either) so those with spiritual or religious beliefs as well as true atheists can still appreciate what is presented here. The fact is, Lanza is just presenting what has been discovered through the scientific process, not preaching any type of doctrine.
Perhaps the highest praise I can give a book is that it is thought provoking and original…so very few books manage one or the other…this does both quite well. Initially the book sounded intriguing (how could it not?) but I feared it would be filled with a lot of new age feel good ideas that were light on substance and heavy on dogma. The author avoided those traps with ease. Instead, the reader is greeted from the earliest pages of the book with some of the limits on what we know…and don't know…about the universe, time and space. These are not conspiracy theories not do they attempt to negate science - it is simply a statement about the known limits as currently found in science today. Those form the foundation for what could be possible alternative perspectives held throughout history. Once again, the author does not require the reader to put his/her brain on the shelf in order to engage in a bit of mental gymnastics but rather present a compelling presentation to show why certain ideas were originally adopted and why they fell out of favor. Once the reader has found a footing the real fun begins. While it would be unlikely to agree with everything presented, it would also be a rare reader that didn't leave with a few new ideas, thoughts or considerations in mind. Very engaging, reader friendly, original and thought provoking.
If the last time you picked up a book on physics you read about string theory, you will be surprised that the physics world has moved on. Biocentrism is a new focus. I never took physics - which my husband reminds me when I hang up his pants incorrectly (he hangs them up now) - but am fascinated by the deep metaphysical questions as to clues to how we are supposed to live our life. What matters? What are the laws governing the universe, and what are their implications for us? This book can be a page-turner if you are interested in those topics. I understood about 80% of it on a first read. It's narrated in an amusing, let-me-let-you-in-on-the-latest-discoveries-and-what-they-could-mean style. One critic called the style infectious, and that's an apt description. … Loved this book - very provocative in a good way and quite readable even for folks who don't understand physics well enough to hang up a pair of pants correctly.
Why Do You Exist?
Biocentrism / Beyond Biocentrism

Don’t look to the sky and gods for answers. It lies deeper.
What Happens When You Die? Evidence Suggests Time Simply Reboots
There is No Death, Only a Series of Eternal ‘Nows’

Here we tell you what happens after you’re dead. Seriously. Okay, it’s not so serious, because you won’t actually die.